Chief Justice Robert Bauman of the B.C. Supreme Court has determined that Section 293 of the Criminal Code, the law banning polygamy, does in fact run counter to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but should remain because of the demonstrable harm polygamy causes children. This is of course precisely the reason social conservatives continue to oppose gay marriage. Or at least one of them.
Assuming that gay marriage is a large step toward the complete normalization of the homosexual life style, and assuming that such normalization leads to greater numbers of youth experimenting with and becoming addicted to it, and assuming that the gay life style leads to the premature demise of its adherents, then it can be argued that gay marriage is every bit as harmful to society, including its children, as the polygamous variety.
But people are born gay, you might argue. Well, maybe. Granted, there are subtle differences between the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals, but do these differences lead to homosexuality, or does homosexuality lead to these subtle differences. One can't know. What is known, however, is that behaviour, particularly repetitive behaviour, influences neural development indicating the latter. (That last tidbit comes from no less an authority than the left's own David Suzuki.) The pathology of homosexuality aside, does it lead to death?
In 2008, the World Health Organization essentially conceded this point when it admitted that the long predicted AIDS pandemic will not be for the simple reason that the disease is largely contained within high risk groups, most notably, particularly in developed countries, intravenous drug users and the male homosexual community. So the connection between homosexuality, AIDS and premature death is an established fact. But we're talking about more than just individuals here.
As a society we are already repopulating at below replacement levels, reproducing at a rate of 1.6 children per woman of child bearing age as opposed to the requisite 2.1. That fact that situation is exacerbated when a sizeable number choose to remove themselves from the gene pool is obvious on the face of it. It is also worth mentioning that no society has long survived the liberalization of its sexual mores, and there's no reason to believe we'll be the first.
Returning to the subject at hand, it is known that young men are regularly booted out of polygamous communities as the oldies don't appreciate the competition for the young hotties. (I would argue this is the nicest thing the decrepid old men could do for the younger generation, but I digress.) This would make those young men homeless. Homosexuality, on the other hand, makes them dead, or at least has the propensity to do so.
We once, prior to the coming of Pierre Trudeau, had laws against both homosexuality and polygamy, presumably designed for the protection of society. Those laws, as Justice Bauman pointed out in the case of polygamy, are/were contraindicated by the Charter. Thus the premise of this column: that the Charter was not designed for our benefit but for our downfall.
A woman Trudeau (the Charter's supposed author) went to university with maintains he was then a card-carrying communist. It is known that he made many trips to Communist China and Russia as a private citizen, and an internal 1968 RCMP report (touted by a retired officer stumping for political office in the 80's) maintains that our then future prime minister also had the distinction of leading a delegation of communists to the 1952 Moscow Economic Forum. (That the RCMP didn't disclose this to the voting public in 1968 only adds to their long list of sins.)
Not convinced of his communism? In his own words, "(B)etween the years 1952 and 1960 I was several times forbidden to teach in the universities... because of my anti-clerical and communist leanings" (Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Federalism and the French Canadians, St. Martins Press, 1968, p.xxi). In the same book he claimed that the very purpose of a collective system is to better ensure personal freedom" (p. 209) and that "democratic socialism (the kind you vote for) may be less efficient and far reaching than the totalitarian brand" (p. 150). If he wasn't a communist this writer doesn't understand the meaning of words.
So if Trudeau in fact subscribed to a political paradigm hell-bent on the overthrow of the free world, then everything he purportedly did for us is in fact suspect of having been done to us. And thus even the most blinkered liberal must concede the possibility that the Charter was not the benevolent document that was sold to us, but rather a Trojan Horse from which continues to creep sundre enemies of the state. Like gay marriage. And, but for the wisdom of Justice Bauman, polygamous unions. It is yet to be determined whether the Supreme Court of Canada will similarly protect the best interests of society. It is foreboding that they have thus far shown such little propensity to do so.
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